

Impetigo is a contagious superficial pyoderma, caused by Staphylococcus aureus and/or group A streptococci, that begins with a superficial flaccid vesicle that ruptures and forms a thick yellowish crust, most commonly occurring in children.

The most common sites of infection are the face, around the mouth, the hands, the neck, and the extremities. The lesions begin as vesicles or pustules surrounded by edema and redness and progresses to an exudative and crusting stage. And after crusting, the initially serous vesicular fluid becomes cloudy and ruptures. It makes a honey-colored crust covering an ulcerated base.

Persons with impetigo will have specific signs:

  1. Pruritus
  2. Lesions
  3. Burning
  4. Lymph node involvement

How to care person with impetigo?

Here are the guidelines:
  • Use standard precautions and implement agency specific isolation procedures in relation with impetigo.
  • Let lesions to dry by air exposure.
  • Daily bathing with antibacterial soap such as pHisoHex.
  • Warm compresses to lesions 2 or 3 times per day to remove crusts and healing.
  • Oral antibiotic for impetigo as prescribed.
  • Use emollients to prevent skin cracking.
  • Frequent hand washing when caring person with impetigo, to prevent the spread of infection.
  • Use separate towels, linens, and dishes.
  • All linens and clothing should be washed separately with detergent in hot water.