Burn Injuries (part 1)


A burn injury is a type of injury that may be caused by heat, cold, electricity, chemicals, light, radiation, or friction.

Burn Size:

  1. Small burns: Localized burn to the injury area.
  2. Large burns: Consist of 25% or more of the total body surface area, and the response is systemic means all of the major systems of the body is affected.

Burn Classification by Depth:

1. Superficial-thickness Burn
It is similar to first-degree burn. There is mild to severe erythema but no blisters. Burn is painfull, and is ceased by cooling. It heals in 3 -7 days.

2. Partial-thickness Superficial Burn
It is similar to second-degree burn. Large blisters cover an extensive area and edema is present. Mottled red base and broken epidermis with a wet, shiny, and weeping surface. Burn is painful and sensitive to cold air. Superficial partial thickness burn heals in 2-3 weeks while the deep partial thickness heals in 3-6 weeks. If the healing process is prolonged, the grafts may be used.

3. Full-thickness Burn
It is similar to third-degree burn. A deep red, black, white, yellow or brown area are present with edema. Burn causes tissue disruption with fat exposed and spontaneous healing will not occur. There is little or no pain of burn area. It requires removal of eschar and split or full thickness skin grafting. The healing will be weeks to months.

4. Deep Full-thickness Burn
It is similar to fourth-degree burn. It involves injury to the muscle and bone. The injured area appears black, no edema, no pain and no blisters. The eschar is hard and inelastic, and healing take weeks to months. Graft are required.